The facts and figures
800 million of the world’s population, or about 1 in 9 suffers from hunger
The amount of food waste produced globally is more than enough to feed these people
Growing food requires land, water, fossil fuels and soil and its production is the single biggest impact we as humans have had on nature
We waste a third of food produced
The foundation of our food system is our farms. The tragedy is that some farms can’t sell half of what they produce due to cosmetic standards dictated by supermarkets
THE FAO estimates that every year, the production of food that is wasted generates 3.3 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases and uses up to 1.4 billion hectares of land – 28 per cent of the world’s agricultural area
Information on food waste and how to tackle it:
TED Talks:

Existing Initiatives:
1. Food recovery network
This project unites students on college campuses to fight food waste and hunger. Students recover perishable food that would otherwise go to waste from their campuses and communities and donate it to people in need.
2. Feedback
An environmental organisation that campaigns to end food waste at every
level of the food system. The organisation operates on a global scale, working with governments, international institutions, businesses, NGOs, grassroots organisations and the public to change society’s attitude towards wasting food.
3. City of Austin's Zero waste initiative
Austin city in Texas, United States is committed to reducing the amount of rubbish sent to landfills by 90% by the year 2040.
4. Dickinson College campus farm
A student-run farm that composts daily deliveries of salad bar scraps from the cafeteria. They expanded the programme into a campus-wide initiative.
5. Hands for hunger
This organisation is working to improve food security in the Bahamas while simultaneously reducing food waste. By mobilising individuals and community organisations, Hands for Hunger gathers unused food from grocery stores, hotels, and other businesses, which is then distributed to lowincome residents, including victims of abuse and those in psychiatric care.
6. Love Food, Hate Waste
This program teaches consumers about food waste and provides them with helpful portioning and planning tips, as well as an array of recipes to make sure food doesn't go to waste.
7. Save Food from the Fridge
Korean designer Jihyun Ryou launched this project that attempts to prevent waste in homes. She outlines several ideas for keeping food fresher for longer, without the use of modern kitchen technology. In addition, she has also created a collaborative blog where anyone can submit their own innovative food storage ideas.
8. Al maha desert resort
In order to prevent waste this hotel and restaurant incorporates uneaten items into the next meal of the day.
9. Springboard Kitchens This
Pittsburgh organisation rescues fresh food that would have otherwise been thrown away, and prepares approximately 4,000 meals per day.
10. SolerCool in University of Cincinnati Students
They developed a solar-powered refrigerator that keeps food cool when it is being transported.
11. Save food cut waste
This movement is educating individuals, businesses and organisations in Singapore about the environmental and social impacts of food waste and encouraging everyone to take action to combat it.