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Association of Albergues Noturnos – Porto (AANP)

Dòra Kelemen

The Association of Albergues Noturnos- Porto has over one hundred years of history, in which they have helped a countless homeless people reintegrate into society by providing a safe place to stay, an area where they can communicate with others in their situation, medical support, as well as food for nourishment.

The Association was founded in 1881 as the Particular Institution for Social Solidarity (IPSS), which without lucratives, provided Public Utility for the homeless around the clock and helped them be re-integrated into the society and community.

The project is mainly financed by the Portuguese government and although a great deal of donations are by individuals and organizations, the association is only able to serve Portuguese nationals.

Photos by Mar Lopes de Oliveira (during OPEN HOUSES PORTO)

There are two institutions where the homeless can stay, and although the beds are limited in 82 and 60 persons, it is an phenomenal opportunity for those who want to see positive change in their lives. One accomodation is located in Campanhã (Temporary Accomodation Center of Campanhã), and the other is in Cedofeita – Porto (Temporary Accomodation Center D. Margarita de Sousa Dias).

Photos by Mar Lopes de Oliveira (during OPEN HOUSES PORTO)

In addition the homelesses and underprivilaged families recieve the opportunity to eat for free every day in the Social Cantine, located in Cedofeita – Porto.

All together 43 workers help them day by day, including not only the members of Psychiatry, Social Service, General Clinic, Psychology, and Occupational Workshops, but also nine ex-homeless who are re-integrated and helping those still recovering and providing inspiration in their “healing” process.

Their Projects

The activities provided to the underprivilaged are extremely varied and cover a number of projects including those in which the afflicted have the opportunity to help the environment and society as a whole.

Cogumelo Solidária // Mushroom Solidarity

This is a Solidarity programme, in which those in the program grow mushrooms in their farm, Quinta Solidária, and sell them in markets.

Quinta Solidária // Farm Solidarity

The above mentioned farm is 15 km away from Porto in Paço de Sousa, where the homeless have the opportunity to help farmers with their animals and work on agriculture on the fields. This farm supplies the accomodation service, AANP, with biological products and nutritions.

Horta Solidária // Garden Solidarity

This project provides to those within the program the ability to learn some of the specified skills of gardening while helping others by planting vegetables.

Projeto Alberg’ART

This is an art therapy project in its first year. The gallery will be opened in the Fall and will provide expositions to the public made by the users of the institution as well as famous national artists.

Green Cork

This project provides a very creative way of teaching the less fortunate to be more eco-friendly by collecting the winecorks from restaurants and hotels around Porto and recycling them with the cooperation of the association of Quercus.

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